- Disaster and Radiation Medicine Education Center
The Disaster and Radiation Medical Education Support Center will perform educational activities for medical stuff to ensure smooth medical activities in the special disaster such as natural disaster and pandemics of radiation and infectious disease. The center also provides information and awareness-raising activities about disaster medicine for the general public and students.Aomori Prefecture where this University is located is special characteristics of owning multiple nuclear-related facilities. Through various educational and human resource development activities, we will contribute to the disaster medical care system in Japan.
Description of Activities
- Development and implementation of a disaster medical education curriculum for medical stuff
- Disaster medical education implementation for Medical and Health Science Students
- Support for short-term graduate student education at overseas institutions such as the U.S. Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site(REAC/TS) and the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences(KIRAMS)
- Disaster prevention awareness activities for junior high and high school students
- Educational activities on disaster prevention and disaster medical for the general public
Introduction of Activities